The Art of the Money Clip: Two Techniques for Savvy Cash Carriers

In the world of streamlined wallets and minimalist carry, the money clip has emerged as a stylish and practical solution for those who prefer cash. While it might seem straightforward, there are actually two distinct methods for using a money clip, each with its own advantages. Let’s explore these techniques and help you decide which one suits your style.

1. The Classic Fold: Simplicity Meets Security

The basic way to use a money clip is what we’ll call “The Classic Fold.” Here’s how it works:

  1. Start with your bills laid flat and aligned.
  2. Fold the stack of bills in half.
  3. Slide the folded bills into the money clip.

This method is quick, easy, and keeps your cash compact. It’s ideal for those who prefer simplicity, speed, and don’t need to access different denominations frequently. The Classic Fold works well when you’re carrying a uniform set of bills or when you’re not concerned about quick denomination identification.

Pros of The Classic Fold:

  • Keeps cash tightly secured
  • Minimizes bulk in your pocket
  • Quickest method for inserting and removing all your cash at once


  • Bills may crumple if you try to slide a thicker stack into the money clip
  • Harder to access specific denominations without removing all folded bills
  • May require refolding bills when spending, depending on their original orientation

2. The Unfolded Edge: Accessibility Meets Organization

The alternate method, which we’ll dub “The Unfolded Edge,” offers a different approach:

  1. Gather your bills and align them, keeping them unfolded.
  2. Place the money clip on the side of the stack, about a third of the way from the edge.
  3. Fold the larger portion of the bills over the clip and back with the fold in the middle.

When you pull out your money clip to pay, you get a playing card fan-like effect with your bills, leaving one edge exposed and easily accessible.

Pros of The Unfolded Edge:

  • Allows for quick identification and access to different denominations
  • Easier to count your cash without full removal from the clip
  • Facilitates organizing bills by denomination (larger bills in back, smaller in front)


  • Slightly bulkier in the pocket compared to The Classic Fold
  • May require more careful handling to prevent bills from slipping out

Your choice between these two techniques largely depends on your cash-carrying habits and preferences:

Bonus: Use an M-Clip

As another option, the M-Clip stands out, combining the best features of traditional money clips with innovative design. This clever money clip utilizes a clamp action, coupled with sliding grips.

Unlike traditional money clips that can struggle with more than a few bills and cards, the M-Clip shines when it comes to capacity. Its unique design allows it to comfortably hold a substantial number of bills alongside multiple cards.

Instead of sliding the money into the clip from the side, the M-Clip and similar products can hold more dollar bills and card stacks in any preference, traditional or unfolded. Sliding bills is easy compared to the standard money clip design.

The M-Clip clamp design allows for a secure grip on your cash and cards, preventing accidental slips or losses. The clamp distributes pressure evenly, which means you can load it up without fear of damaging your cards or crumpling your bills.

Normally, this clamp would require bulky handles in the pocket, but the patented M-Clip has sliding handles. Each time you want to pull a bill out, grip the handles near the center, slide them out, and squeeze to open the M-Clip.

Those who want to carry more cards or cash should check the M-Clip out! For many, the M-Clip represents the perfect balance between capacity, security, and ease of use. This aluminum or stainless steel M-Clip is typically $95 on Amazon.

How to Choose

  • If you use cash often and need quick access to various denominations, The Unfolded Edge might be your best bet.
  • For larger amounts of cash, The Classic Fold provides more security and compactness.
  • Privacy concerns: The Classic Fold keeps your cash more discreet, while The Unfolded Edge might display bill edges more prominently.
  • If you like to keep your bills meticulously arranged by denomination, The Unfolded Edge offers more flexibility.
  • If you have lots of cards and banknotes, a clamp style money clip like the M-Clip is the better option.

Try both techniques to see which feels more natural and suits you.

In today’s digital age, carrying coins is not worth the hassle, and there’s an undeniable elegance and practicality to using a money clip, no matter which way you prefer to carry your dollars.

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